Group Brainstorming Sucks. Ask a group of students to come up with some game design key words and what do you end up with?
Island, Water, Eating and Impalement.
The Goal? A single screen game based on these key words made in Unity. In two weeks.
So some ideas:
A Single Screen Plat former with spikes on either side blocking the player in (impalement), with fruit falling from the sky that the player has to try and get beneath to eat. while avoiding giant spiky balls.
The platforming level consists of islands and water.
A pinball game with a tropical resort setting. Knock food off the buffet and into peoples mouths for a collection challenge (the little flags where you have to knock down all of them for bonus points) (Eating). A pool near the top of the level with a water slide into that leads strait onto the left paddle (I'm sure there's a pinbally word for that I don't know). Knock coconuts off trees (trees are bumpers) for a counting challenge.
I wanted to make a 2d automatic running game, but this didn't fit the single screen requirement of the challenge. So in a fit of mean spirited cheating I thought, what if the character didn't move, and the obstacles and rewards came to him? I was thinking of a fast flowing river, dodging debris and saving people. Could have been a tropical monsoon? But I liked the tropical resort thing from the last idea.
I ended up with a fat guy on a flotation ring in a pool, with fruit coming down water slides and you having to maneuver to collect it (eat) while avoiding some kind of hazard (spikes in the water or other swimmers?)
After about 2 minutes I realized this was almost identical to the first idea, although I came at them from very different directions (The first I wanted to make a marioesque platformer, the second an endless running game. Ok, not VERY different).
A puzzle game, Fruit drops from pipes near the top of the screen and needs to be sorted into the appropriate baskets. Sorting happens by rotating planks of wood on screen to direct the fruit in the correct direction. Plank's should rotate 90 degrees when click and -90 degrees when right clicked.
The planks might be flat or cross shaped or L shaped.
Possibly control The rotation of the planks with a fan, player moves fan up and down side of the screen. The fan blows all planks in line with it, turning them like windmills.
Here is a Crappy drawing of my 4 ideas.